Tuesday, September 22, 2009


wa setiap tahun ikut bajet malaysia yang dibentangkan oleh Pak Mudim (takde la setiap tahun pun, sebab wa sedar yang benda camni penting bermula tingkatan 4. waktu zaman kanak-kanak, yang wa tahu setiap petang wa kena main bola ngan member-member kat padang tiga segi)

hari tu lepas baca kat Suratan Melayu yang harga minimum kokor akan jadi 6 ringgit, wa tanya member baek wa :

WA : harga kokor standard paling murah, berape?

MEMBER BAEK WA : aku pun tak pasti

ada satu benda yang wa perasan dalam bajet malaysia yang wa nak kongsi dengan lu.

setiap tahun, wa perasan harga cukai kokor mesti naik. jadi, harga kokor mesti jadi lagi mahal setiap tahun.

wa rasa paling koman dalam seminggu lu beli 2 kotak kokor. so dalam sebulan, 2×4=8 kotak kokor lu beli. lepas lu beli, lu jangan hisap dulu. lek dulu.

lu bayang kalau sebulan beli 8 kotak, setahun lu beli 96 kotak. tapi, lu jangan hisap lagi. lek dulu.

kan wa cakap tadi, setiap tahun Pak Mudim akan naikkan harga kokor. jadi, lu simpan 96 kotak tuh. tak silap wa, member baek wa cakap yang kokor takde expired date (ces member baek, lu gelak kan wa sebab tanya soklan ni kat lu).

let say, setiap tahun harga kokor naik 1 ringgit. tahun pertama lu untung 96 ringgit kalo lu jual balik kokor tu. tapi, lu jangan hisap kokor tu dulu. lek dulu.

tu kalo setahun.

tahun kedua lu akan untung double, jadi 192 ringgit. kalo 10 tahun, lu dapat untung 49 152 ringgit (lu guna sequence & series)

wa rasa cara ni paling terbaik sebab sekarang zaman ekonomi teruk. so, lu lek dulu, jangan hisap kokor lagi. lu tahan 10 tahun je, lepas tu lu jual balik rokok-rokok tu, lu dapat 49 152 ringgit. ni investment terbaik dari ladang ni.

wa mau sound skit penghisap kokor ni..

kokor itu asap kepul-kepul, sama je macam kilang. lu jangan marah kilang buat asap kepul-kepul, kalo lu pun buat asap kepul-kepul. lu jangan cakap pasal nasib malang tanah air, kalo lu pun buat asap kepul-kepul. lu jangan cakap nak jadi wakil rakyat, kalo lu pun buat asap kepul-kepul. kokor itu asap kepul-kepul. sori beb, wa marah ni, tapi kalo lu lah yang buat asap kepul-kepul tu. sebab asap kepul-kepul lu tu buat udara kat tempat wa rosak, dan mak wa sedut udara tu. wa tak suka orang kaco mak wa. lu pun jangan kaco mak wa. paling koman, lu jangan kacau mak lu sendiri. sori wa kasar, sebab ini libat mak wa dan mak lu. lu main kasar dengan wa guna asap kepul-kepul, wa cakap sikit je ni beb! wa minta maaf. wa hentam lu, lu hentam wa. kat luar kita tetap kawan. profesional.

lgpon wa tau member2 wa x hisap kokor sbb diorang hisap rokok...
macho siot hisap rokok...berani mati...salute!!!
tp sorila wa xde bran nk hisap...
tkut juga nk mati ni...amalan nntah ckup ke tidak...
tu je kot....wa chow dlu...

“kepulan yang membunuh diri…”

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Married to the campaign, bonded to the war, dedicated to the battle against Unbelief for evermore. Allahu Akbar, are the words of the battle cry That can be heard from those who desire to reside within the Belly of Green Birds. Eyes fixed beyond the victory and Yearning to know eternal life, betrothed To Jihad Taking martyrdom as a wife. The trust of property And person they willingly return in hopes of Adverting the fire that burns. Dying to know Eternal life with every dying breath They breathe and plead to their Lord on bended knee to be Blessed with paradise.

Habib Abu Lateef

Copyright ©2004 H. Khalil Abd Al Haqq

Lets see my photo.....

Rakan-rakanku....OPTIMA Batch 0408......

Salah satu posing kt PLKN.....

Lagenda yang mengharumkan nama sekolah...

Antara Ahli Badan Pengawas,SM Sains Sultan Mohamad Jiwa

Atlit-atlit Bendahara,sekolah dan pengacau (baju merah)...
Jangan marah eyk wahai head Boyz....Hehehe...

Berlatarbelakangkan Sultan Mohamad Jiwa Lake and
Recreation Park.....

Tgh tunggu nak naik bas...Menghadiri Annual High-tea di Laguna Merbok....

Teringin gak nk naik podium..kt sekolah pown jadilah....

Friday, September 4, 2009

Rahsia Bulan Kelahiran

Sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur.

Sangat cermat, teliti & teratur.
Suka menegur kesilapan orang lain & mengkritik.
Pendiam tapi pandai bercakap.
Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik & mudah simpati.
Sangat perihatin & terperinci, amanah, setia & jujur.
Kerja yang dilakukan sangat sempurna.
Sangat sensitif yang tidak diketahui.
orang yang banyak berfikir.
Daya pentaakulan yang baik.
Otak bijak & mudah belajar.
Suka mencari maklumat.
Kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik.
Pandai mendorong diri sendiri.
Mudah memahami orang lain kerana banyak menyimpan rahsia.
Suka sukan, hiburan & melancong.
Kurang menunjukkan perasaannya.
Terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan.
Terlalu memilih pasangan.
Sukakan benda yang luas.

Australia Cricket History

The Australian cricket team is the national cricket team of Australia. It is the joint oldest team in Test cricket, having played in the first Test match in 1877 (defeating England by 45 runs).
As of 1 February 2009, the Australian team has played 704 Test matches, winning 46.66%, losing 25.95% and drawing 27.09% of its games.
[1] It has a winning record against every other Test nation.[2] The Australian national cricket team has also led the ICC Test Championship table for the majority of the time since the creation of the ICC Test table system in January 2001. The South African cricket team did lead this table for a brief period from January to May 2003[citation needed], before Australia resumed the first position on the table. Australia has since dropped down to fourth in the Test rankings[3].
They are also, in
one-day cricket, the winners of the last three Cricket World Cups. Australia has won the Cricket World Cup 4 times in total; 1987, 1999, 2003 & 2007. As of 28 April 2007 they are undefeated in 29 consecutive World Cup matches. They have led the ICC One-Day International Championship table from its inception through to 18 February 2007[citation needed], and then again from 7 April 2007 until 30 January 2009.[citation needed] In 2002, they were named World Team of the Year at the Laureus World Sports Awards in recognition of their world record sequence of test match victories.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Istilah "teknologi maklumat" muncul pada sekitar dekad 1970-an. Bagaimanapun, konsepnya yang asas boleh dikesani jauh lebih lama lagi. Pada sepanjang abad ke-20, pihak tentera telah berikat dengan berbagai-bagai industri untuk membangunkan elektronik, komputer, dan teori maklumat. Secara sejarah, pihak tentera telah mendorong penyelidikan-penyelidikan tersebut dengan memotivasi dan membiayai inovasi dalam bidang penjenteraan dan pengkomputan.
Komputer komersil yang pertama ialah
UNIVAC I yang direka bentuk oleh J. Presper Eckert dan John Mauchly untuk Biro Banci Amerika Syarikat. Akhir dekad 1970-an memperlihatkan kebangkitan mikrokomputer, diikuti dengan rapat oleh komputer peribadi IBM pada tahun 1981. Sejak dari masa itu, empat generasi komputer telah berkembang, dengan setiap generasi melambangkan satu langkah yang dicirikan oleh perkakasan yang semakin kecil dan berupaya. Generasi pertama menggunakan tiub vakum, dengan generasi-generasi kedua dan ketiga masing-masing menggunakan transistor dan litar bersepadu. Generasi keempat, iaitu generasi terkini, menggunakan sistem-sistem yang lebih rumit seperti penyepaduan skala sangat besar (VLSI).

[sunting] Teknologi maklumat pada hari ini
Pada hari ini, istilah teknologi maklumat telah diperluas untuk merangkumi banyak aspek
pengkomputan dan teknologi, dengan istilah ini lebih dapat dikenal, berbanding dengan dahulu. Payung teknologi maklumat adalah amat besar, dan meliputi banyak bidang.
Ahli-ahi profesional melakukan berbagai-bagai tugas yang berbeza-beza dari pemasangan
perisian penggunaan sehingga perekaan bentuk rangkaian komputer dan pangkalan data maklumat. Sebilangan tugas yang dilakukan oleh mereka adalah seperti yang berikut:
Pengurusan data
Pengurusan sistem
Perangkaian komputer
Perekaan bentuk perisian
Perekaan bentuk sistem pangkalan data
Sistem maklumat pengurusan (MIS)

Benefits of ICT

More than three decades ago, computers and related information technologies were introduced to educators as educational tools. Today, there are computers of various descriptions in nearly all schools in the United States. Teachers, school administrators, government officials, and others faced with the costs involved in technology implementation must constantly evaluate the educational benefits of technology. Is there research or other evidence that indicates computers and advanced telecommunications are worthwhile investments for educators? This Digest summarizes the observed benefits of technology implementation. The importance of evaluating the effects of technology on learning is also addressed.
Using educational technology for drill and practice of basic skills can be highly effective according to a large body of data and a long history of use (Kulik, 1994). Students usually learn more, and learn more rapidly, in courses that use computer assisted instruction (CAI). This has been shown to be the case across all subject areas, from preschool to higher education, and in both regular and special education classes. Drill and practice is the most common application of CAI in elementary education, the military, and in adult educational settings. Fletcher, et al (1990) reports that in the military, where emphasis is on short and efficient training time, the use of CAI can cut training time by one third. In the military, CAI can also be more cost-effective than additional tutoring, reduced class size, or increased instruction time to attain equivalent educational gains.

What is ICT?

Information technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware."[1] IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.
Today, the term information technology has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term has become very recognizable. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex
computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems.
When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology, or "infotech". Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information. Presumably, when speaking of Information Technology (IT) as a whole, it is noted that the use of computers and information are associated.
In recent years
ABET and the ACM have collaborated to form accreditation and curriculum standards